Start-Ups Declassified: How They Actually Work, 2024
The Digital Playbook: How to Win the Strategic Technology Game, Pearson/Financial Times, 2023
The Innovator's Imperative: Rapid Technology Adoption for Digital Transformation, Co-author, Taylor Francis Group/CRC Press, 2017
Ready Technology: Fast-Tracking New Business Technologies, Auerbach Publishing/Taylor & Francis Group/CRC Press, 2014
Avoiding #Fail: Mitigating Risk, Managing Threats & Protecting the Corporation in the Age of Social Media (Co-author, Ascendigm Press, 2013)
Social Business Intelligence: Why Every Company Needs Social Media (Co-author, Ascendigm Press, 2013)
IT's All About the People (Auerbach Publishing, 2011; Winner of CIO Insight's Best Business – IT Books for 2011: #4)
Best Practices in Business Technology Management, Auerbach Publishing, 2009
Technology Due Diligence: Best Practices for CIOs, Vendors & Venture Capitalists, IGI Publishing Group, 2009
The 2nd Digital Revolution: Conversations About Business Technology Convergence, IGI Publishing Group, 2005
Managing Systems Requirements: Methods, Tools & Cases, McGraw-Hill, 1996
Cognitive Systems Engineering (Co-author), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 1995
Sourcebook of Applied Artificial Intelligence, (Co-editor and Co-author), McGraw-Hill, 1993
Rapid Applications Prototyping: The Storyboard Approach to User Requirements Analysis, QED Information Sciences, Inc., 1992
Advanced Technology for Command and Control (C2) Systems Engineering, (Editor and Co-author), AFCEA International Press, 1991
Information Technology for Command & Control (Co-editor and Co-author), IEEE Press, 1991
Information System Design Principles for the 90s, AFCEA International Press, 1990
Storyboard Prototyping: A New Approach to User Requirements Analysis, Q.E.D. Information Sciences, Inc., 1989
Handbook for Decision Support Systems, Tab Books, Inc., 1989
Defense Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Co-editor and Co-author), Lexington Books/D.C. Heath and Company, 1988
Artificial Intelligence and National Defense: Applications to C3I and Beyond (Editor and Co-author), AFCEA International Press, 1987
Principles of Command and Control (Co-editor and Co-author) AFCEA International Press, 1987
Software Development Tools (Editor), Petrocelli Books, Inc., 1986
High Technology Initiatives in Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (C3I): Communications, Artificial Intelligence, and Strategic Defense (Editor and Co-author),AFCEA International Press, 1986
Software Validation, Verification, Testing, and Documentation (Editor), Petrocelli Books, 1986
Microcomputer Decision Support Systems: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation (Editor and Co-author), Q.E.D. Information Sciences, Inc. and North Holland, 1986
The Future of Information Processing Technology (Editor), Petrocelli Books, 1985
Applications in Artificial Intelligence (Editor and Co-author), Petrocelli Books, Inc., 1985
Corporate Crisis Management (Editor and Co-author), Petrocelli Books, Inc., 1984
Methods for Intelligence Analysis, Production, and Presentation, Defense Intelligence College, 1984
Revolution and Political Instability: Applied Research Methods (Co-author), Frances Pinter Publishers and St. Martin's Press, 1984
Computer-Based National Information Systems (Editor), Petrocelli Books, Inc., 1984
National Security Crisis Forecasting and Management (Co-editor and Co-author), Westview Press, 1984
Interactive Computer-Based Systems Design and Development, Petrocelli Books, Inc., 1983; also translated and published as Sistemas De Procesamiento Interactivo by Libreia "El Ateneo" Editorial, 1987
The Handbook of Problem-Solving: An Analytical Methodology, Petrocelli Books, Inc., 1983
Foreign Policy Behavior: The Interstate Behavior Analysis Model (Sage Publications, 1980; co-author)